Cluster visualization
Written by Viktor Bojović   
Friday, 22 February 2008
Visualization on cluster is simpler than visualization on grid. Command qsub is used to job submission, and qstat to veiw the status of the job. Communication between nodes is much faster, so there is no need for downloading results. All results are being automaticly downloaded to your home directory or to directory where they were run from. That depends of server configuration, but the path can be set up.
Povray script looks like this:

ezop@hal:~/gotovo/grid1/kocke_100x100/10$ cat
./povray 0.ini  +H100 +W100

This script just runs povray in current directory ($PBS_O_WORKDIR). All output data is automaticly stored to that directory.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 February 2008 )