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QRGB PDF Print E-mail
Written by Viktor Bojović   
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
The work on QRBG Service has been motivated by scientific necessity (primarily of local scientific community) of running various simulations (in cluster/Grid environments), whose results are often greatly affected by quality (distribution, nondeterminism, entropy, etc.) of used random numbers. Since true random numbers are impossible to generate with a finite state machine (such as today's computers), scientists are forced to either use specialized expensive hardware number generators, or, more frequently, to content themselves with suboptimal solutions (like pseudo-random numbers generators). By using the hardware Quantum Random Bit Generator (see: developed at the Rudjer Boshkovich Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, the QRBG Service enables, inter alias, the VEPPAR framework to be used in situations were real (not pseudo-random) randomness, i.e. haphazardness, is necessary or important for the quality of computer based experiments. The QRBG service is integrated through the Virtue Processor. See:
Last Updated ( Friday, 09 May 2008 )